The Second Coming of Eve, Volume 1, The Long Road Home

The Long Road Home by AP Cruickshank

Isn’t it ironic that after centuries of driving countless numbers of natures’s awe-inspiring species to the edge of extinction…

…it is the human race that finds itself confronting the final reckoning…

Read excerpts or purchase The Long Road Home on Amazon

Reviews for The Long Road Home

Wow just could not put The Second Coming of Eve, Vol 1 down. (Have one of your books and borrowed this from a friend). How apt was your story! Waiting with baited breath for the sequel.

Jenny B.

A very enjoyable read, but also somewhat prophetic in the light of 2020/2021! It is another take on the ‘apocalyptic’ scenario, very well written and full of unexpected turns and surprises. Clearly well researched, it also portrays two opposing aspects of human nature – the benevolent, caring side to fellow creatures and the malevolent, destructive, selfish side seen too often in times of strife and unrest. Roll on Volume 2! Score out of 5: 5.

Chris R.

“Wow, loved this book. Once I started it, I couldn’t put it down. Post-apocalyptic books can sometimes be unrealistic, but not this one. The frighteningly realistic story line, together with the constant cliff hangers and knowledge of the areas that this book takes you to makes it a must read for all. Please, please publish the next volume soon so I can find out what happens to Nelson, Horacio and their new friends.”
5 out of 5

Mark – Somerset

“An amazing read and it could so easily become true. A wonderful read and I can’t wait for the sequel.”

Janet W. – Somerset

“I was totally hooked on ‘The Second Coming of Eve,’ and after just a few chapters I couldn’t put it down! It was a very enjoyable and thought provoking story and the authors’ underlying message is clear throughout the storyline. I immediately bonded with the characters of Horacio and Nelson and felt their struggle on the long road towards home. Now I’m just waiting to find out what happens next!”

Chris A. – Helsinki