No Turning Back

No Turning Back book cover

Imagine the doubt you suffer as your entire world implodes before your very eyes, the anguish you feel as you witness the end of everything you’ve ever known and always taken for granted. This is precisely what confronts Matthew Green as he struggles to pick up the pieces of a once modest and unpretentious life. For all who survived, the choices were quite simple; you either committed absolutely and irreversibly to the future or you just gave in to the inevitable and lay down to die

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Reviews for No Turning Back

No Turning Back. A thoroughly enjoyable read, with many unexpected twists and turns. I found it also very thought-provoking as to how human nature and behaviour could change when presented with an apocalyptic situation. I found it hard to put down, just wanting to carry on reading to find out what happens to the many characters and communities involved. Score out of 5: 5.

Chris R.

“A fascinating read, an excellent idea.”

Janet W. Somerset

‘Having just finished this work I’d like to congratulate you in getting this fast-paced, page-turner into print.
The story line is very creative and twists and turns through the entire book.
I would love to see this book turned into a movie as it would be a phenomenal success’

Sean Dibb-Holland – Doha, Qatar

“I finished No Turning Back within a couple of days as I couldn’t put it down. I really enjoyed it.”

Chris Strong – Somerset

“We bought all three of your books and enjoyed each one; all being very different. I found them gripping and hope you have more up your sleeve. Looking forward in anticipation to your next book.”

Judy Crane – Somerset.

“It took me only four days to finish it! I found it gripping from the first few pages and it continued to hold my attention throughout the book. I likened it to a Stephen King novel but with more passion in the story line… The story line was exciting, fresh and somewhat believable, although a terrifying thought! I look forward to your next book.”

Barbara Brown – Dubai

“I enjoyed it very much and was always reluctant to put it down. I liked the storyline set in the near future, very thought provoking.”

Ron Fitch

“I thoroughly enjoyed every page of the book. I couldn’t put it down… what a great imagination you have…. A great read. Please let me know if there are anymore in the pipeline.”

Evelyn May

“My mum lent me your book. I must say that I thoroughly enjoyed it and found it easy to read and gripping. The story is very believable and gives one food for thought. I look forward to your next novel.”

Liz Bagg

“I enjoyed it. It’s quite a compelling read once you’ve “set the scene”. Good luck with the sequels!”

Ken May – Somerset

“I must say it trapped me from the beginning. It has an intriguing plot that makes you want to quickly get to the bottom of the story but masterfully keeps you wondering on the outcome until the very end.”

Henry Rohm – Buenos Aires

“I finished No Turning Back a few weeks ago, and wanted to really congratulate you on it. I was hooked by the plot from the beginning, and really like the rhythm of the book, it keeps you wanting to read more, and this is related to your capacity to imagine situations that are exciting and interesting. My only recommendation is related to this point, it is actually more a question: How much can you or should you leave to the reader’s imagination? Alternatively: how descriptive do you have to be? I am referring to those moments when the writer leads the reader to draw a conclusion and then when it is revealed, you are either proud because you guessed well, or surprised by the brilliance of the writer because you could have never imagined the outcome. From what I read in No Turning Back, you have the capacity to do this.”

Maxi Rohm – Buenos Aires

“I read your book in the summer holidays having bought it at the Bleadon Market in July.
I really enjoyed the book finding it compulsive reading. The frequent plot twists were all most unexpected, and references to our local area added to the interest. The whole premise was pertinent to our world situation and whilst being highly imaginative bore enough realism not to make it totally implausible.”

Gill Sayzeland – Bleadon Somerset

“I read your novel in two days, which says much about it. Very pacey, packed with incident, it grabbed my attention and kept it.”

Trevor Egan – West Sussex

“I promised I would read and review your book. Well, it was brilliant. It was my holiday read and I finished it today and I loved it. It was definitely a page turner and at night it was the sort of book I would dream about and relive during the day… The characters were realistic and you felt you knew them intimately. There was just enough romance and love throughout to keep you interested. Very believable tale which is actually disturbing.”

Linda Southall – Wales

“A brilliant book. I thoroughly enjoyed it from start to finish. A real page turner, I couldn’t put it down.”

Linda Britton – Burnham-on-Sea, Somerset

“Thank you for the opportunity to read your first book, it was gripping, exciting and a popular subject matter. I thoroughly enjoyed the story, was saddened at the losses and taken on an emotional roller-coaster ride. I would like to suggest a four and a half out of five star rate and only make these suggested reductions for a couple of literary mistakes, which I am sure you are aware of and will be corrected in the second edition. Overall a satisfying and pleasurable book and a great first effort from a very local author, thank you. I will treasure your signed copy.”

Neil Hansford – Somerset

“We met at the W-O-T fair, and you signed our book for “The Abbey Road Book Club”
I loved the book. I read it in 2 days, tea breaks, lunch and before bed. I loved the fast pace of the book, Matthew, Mac, George; the zoo; your exploration of human nature in disaster, but general belief in the good’ and that it was set in Bristol.”

Sue McCulloch – Bristol

“I bought your book from you at the Westbury-on-Trym Christmas Fair. I enjoyed reading it and was definitely hooked – it kept me entertained on two transatlantic flights last week, thank you!”

Russell Haines – Bristol

“I was given this book for Christmas and found it absolutely riveting. I loved the interlinking of the characters Sam, George and Matthew in particular the back story. Also, the credibility, knowing Bristol so well, of sudden massive water logging and subsequent degeneration of society made it compelling reading. Thank you for taking the time to sign it and for giving me the opportunity of letting you know my thoughts.
I recommend it wholeheartedly, well done!”

Pete Stables – Bristol

“No Turning Back was a great read, with plenty of adventure in a fast-paced narrative. The characters were interesting, and I cared about what happened to them.”

Jane Walker – Bristol

“I found the book to be griping from start to finish. I read it in four days, I also found myself reading it in the day and not just a bedtime read, it was that good. I urge you to take the time to read it, you will not be disappointed, it will take over your life for a few days and make you think, could this really happen? …

Barbara – Dubai (Amazon review)

“This was an utterly compelling read from start to finish. It invites you to ask yourself what you would do? How would you cope? It makes you question your own nature and that of mankind as a whole. I would recommend it very highly for anyone who likes their books to give them food for thought along with a generous helping of edge of seat entertainment…

Kirstos – Devon (Amazon review)

“This is an excellent book, if not at times horrific and terrifying. I loved the way places obviously well known to the author were used to help the story to be frighteningly realistic. I found the descriptions superb and they enabled me to really feel part of the story. I loved the references to the past and (our) near future. It was quite scary to realise that this was the near future-a bit like realising that 1984 has been and gone. How prepared could anyone be for such catastrophes? An excellent read – perhaps not at night! …

Jane Roots – Hampshire (Amazon review)

“This is not the usual genre of book that I read, but I was asked if I would read it, so I did. I have to say that is a superb, well written and imaginative book and one which I would recommend to anyone to read.
The story is exciting and sets a good pace yet it is also thought provoking and definitely a bit “shivery” at times. One can imagine a future like the one envisaged one day coming to pass.
However it is an exciting and well written book with bags of imagination and ideas. I look forward to reading more of the author’s works…

S. Devlin – Yorkshire (Amazon review)

“Great read from start to finish. I could not put it down, I had to carry on reading to see what happened in the next chapter, brilliant…

Anne Jones – Qatar (Amazon review)

“No Turning Back forces the reader to face up to their worst nightmares and makes them question what they would do if faced with the world collapsing around them. I look forward to A.P. Cruickshank’s next book…

Anne B. – Yorkshire (Amazon review)

“Imaginative, thought provoking and a cracking read. The characters are believable and I liked the narrator. I could imagine the author keeping the furry animals as pets they were so realistic! I thoroughly enjoyed the book and didn’t predict the end…

Steph – Somerset (Amazon review)

This is one of the best books I have ever read. The author manages to make the unthinkable reality and shows the darkest side of human nature. Absolutely riveting, you won’t be able to put it down…

Victoria Rapson – Devon (Amazon review)

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