
Please contact me with any question or comment you might have about my books. It is a genuine pleasure to be sent messages from readers and I always endeavour to reply within a week. Please accept my apologies if it takes longer.

I am continually meeting people who having written poems, short stories, children’s stories, even completed novels, ask me about self-publishing. I always try to help in any way I can, however, with regard to this website, I must ask you not to send me any manuscripts or ideas for novels. This is for my own protection in terms of being accused of plagiarism if one of my books contains an element of something I have been sent. Please do not be offended, but I will destroy any suggestion or ideas passed on to me without reading them.

A good number of people contact me by e-mail because they would like a signed copy of one of my books. I am very pleased to do this and will send a signed copy by return of post but only if I have already received the full payment in advance. Again, please do not be offended.

Under the latest news section on my Home Page, you will see dates and venues where I am undertaking book signings or speaking, and you may find it easier to get a book signed at one of these.
I look forward to receiving your comments.

Andy Cruickshank

Your name
Your e-mail address


Thank you, I will be in touch shortly